Agro Negocios
Analizaremos las necesidades de la cría de tus animales y la producción de tu granja ó huerto. Recopilaremos todos los recursos posibles para hacerlas rentables, legales y seguras.Utilizando nuestros Sistemas, Herramientas y Tecnología disponibles a nuestro alcance
The key objective of Rural Friendship is to research together all the possibilities that can be obtained from your lands and animals. For it:
- we will share all the wisdom and knowledge of traditional techniques that other members of the community are currently using, your successes and failures, as well as your ideas and projects.
- we will investigate the production methods that are helping the environment and proving successful in other countries (permaculture, vertical farms, etc).
- we will analyze the new technologies that are being applied and we will look for the means of bringing them to us in an affordable and efficient way. We will also hold open video conferences to discuss the use of new ecological power generation technologies and the possibilities and legalities of implementing them on our lands.
- we will study ways to remove Amistad Rural members from the national grid completely by taking advantage of the natural and unlimited energy of the wind and the sun
We intend to create, uniting all our skills and products, agricultural factories that comply with local regulations, maintaining the integrity of natural products in food products and ensuring high standards of craftsmanship in locally manufactured products.
We will analyze the needs of agriculture and livestock to make them profitable, legal and safe.
We will study the means to provide professional services (legal, accounting, veterinarians, agricultural engineers, ecotechnology engineers) that will help you prosper (mainly through video conferencing).
We will create projects to implement ideas (for example, local factories) and obtain the financial means (microfinance, crowdfunding or exchange services) and schemes (for example: "Library of Things" and "Bank Time").
Employ, through crowdfunding, professional services that will be used by all users.
Try to make our projects possible through a common collaboration and with the help of the combination of tools such as Library of Things, Time Bank, eSwap, Logistics (GSMtasks), crowdfunding, microfinance, project addresses and forums
Amistad Rural is also headquartered in London and we are up-to-date with the most modern agricultural and livestock production techniques, as well as having a great ecological awareness.
We don't know everything, but we can assure you that we will know where to ask! We have a great network of contacts in many fields, we can get in touch with innovative and alternative projects abroad that are succeeding in creating amazing and environmentally friendly crops with fantastic results.
We know how to ask in 4 languages :) (we speak Spanish, English, French, Italian and Portuguese and we have many contacts abroad).
We will study the means to provide professional services that will be used by all members of Amistad Rural. We intend to have video calls where the experts will answer our questions. For example:
lawyers to update us on Health and Safety regulations
veterinarians who will advise us on current regulations and give advice on how to keep our animals healthy
agricultural and ecotechnological engineers: who will advise us on the best ways to exploit our lands (permaculture, mushroom cultivation, beekeeping, pests, etc.)
accountants to help us deal with the inevitable accounting nightmare.
We will hold open videoconferences to discuss the use of new ecological power generation technologies and the possibilities and legalities of implementing them on our lands. analyze how new technologies can be applied to our lands and livestock.
We could contact agricultural engineering schools and offer them to use us as their testing ground for new technologies or practices for their students (from both Spanish and English universities)
(mainly by videoconferencing).
We will hold open videoconferences to discuss the use of new ecological power generation technologies and the possibilities and legalities of implementing them on our lands. analyze how new technologies can be applied to our lands and livestock.
The objective of Amistad Rural is to combine the new knowledge of the 21st century with traditional farming methods and ancestral wisdoms to preserve one of the most virgin and beautiful regions of Europe, our land.
We believe that it is of absolute importance for the future of humanity that today's digital revolution (sometimes called the Fourth Industrial Revolution or Industrial 4.0) not only advances technologies such as robotics and accelerated mass production, but also uses the Artificial Intelligence to reduce our collective environmental impact.
We will try to reduce this footprint through the efficient management, storage and distribution of sustainable natural energy obtained from the wind and the sun.
We also plan to learn about applicable Industry 4.0 Technologies where applicable. For example, next-generation 3D printing will ensure that where products cannot be sourced locally, they can be 3D printed from local waste materials, allowing us to achieve our ultimate goal of total self-sufficiency.
The Time Bank is a beautiful concept that emphasizes the importance of common effort.
Members who sign up to participate in a specific project (which will be directed by the Amistad Rural administration) will be considered to offer their labor to other members.
These members will be rewarded with points by AmiBanco or by exchanging hours with other projects involved. Women who sign up for traditionally male activities will receive double the established points.
This mutual help would be especially necessary for activities such as:
- preparation of land, crops and sowings
- felling of trees, reconstructions of buildings necessary for storage,
- shearing sheep, milking animals or collecting honey ...
- or any other agricultural and livestock activity that requires a seasonal rather than constant workforce.
The displacement of labor and the distribution of material and machinery (those loaned from the Library of Things) will be carried out by our logistics system that will deliver machinery, tools and labor to any place that is needed.
We want to create a Library of Things where, instead of books, members can share all that machinery that we could not individually afford. For example, expensive specialized tools for harvesting, clearing or planting would normally be borrowed for a specific job, or we will share labor and machinery in rotation in shifts with the other members of the community.
These machines would then be returned to the library for other members to use.
For this, we have an app where you may track items and see what is available.
We will try to create a circular economy to share everything that can be recycled from other users: for example: farm waste can be used for another user to feed other animals (chickens, pigs, etc.) the excess of some animals in a farm can be exchanged for others with member sires, etc.
Sustainable energy, also known as renewable or green energy, is a source that can be replenished. The need for renewable energy solutions continues to increase as fossil fuels are depleted. Given that "clean" energy has a much lower environmental impact than conventional energy technologies, the opportunities to seek renewable energy sources are promising for the planet.